Au Fil de l’Eau

History at the heart of the Lavaux

Located in an old manor house dating back to 1800, Au Fil de l’Eau is a hotel-restaurant in Clarens, near Montreux on the Swiss Riviera. It’s identity needed to reflect its high-end services and its desire to distinguish itself from its predecessors.

Categories Art direction, Web, Print
Year 2015 – 2018. New owners from 2018, renamed L’Ermitage
Credits Adrien Pilet, photography

A restaurant…

Studio 1830 was commissioned to develop a brand around the hotel-restaurant, now scoring 15 out of 20 at Gault Millau. All the communication was centred around the location, their cuisine and their refinement.


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And a hotel…

The venue, having seven rooms, also enabled us to communicate from the angle of a boutique hotel. The unique and vintage atmosphere of each room was put forward to tell their story.


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